How to choose the right running shoes?

      This is a question that I´m frequently asked and the truth is that it’s an issue that we must pay close attention to, since shoes according to our type of tread can free us from many injuries. Here we cannot get carried away by fashion and the beauty of the shoe, a good running shoe is much more than that. The first thing you should know is your type of footprint. There are 3 types of tread:

      Pronator, supinator or neutral. Each of these footprints has its own unique elements and makes runners have a very own way of running.


  • The most common in running is the pronator, A large part of the runners have this type of footprint. A pronated foot strike means that upon impact with the ground, the ankle rolls in toward the foot. In general, the first contact with the foot on the ground is usually with the outside of the foot, but then it gives way to gradually cushion towards the inside.
  • Supinator footprint, unlike the pronator the supinator tilts the ankle to the outside of the foot. Supinators are usually people with a very pronounced and inflexible plantar arch.
  • Neutral footprint,that does not imply that the ankle does not tilt to either side. Therefore, the angle is kept stable and sports can be practiced more safely and without risk of injury.

     Knowing the type of footprint you have is important when choosing your running shoes. And it´s that depending on the tendency that your body has when you go running, a shoe is recommended that corrects that inclination and helps you rebalance the pressure that the body feels.

      So before buying any running shoe, first know your type of footprint and then you can find the right shoe for you.

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